In a Nutshell

Sales Enablement Training Solutions.


81% of buyers state that they are more likely to interact with a brand that is consistent on social media.

Our Sales Enablement Training Solutions eBook explores techniques and tools, for participants at all levels, to allow you to maximise your professional social media presence. It covers the four key areas, Sales Enablement, Marketing Automation, Customer Relationship Management and Social Selling.

The eBook looks at Dynamo King’s Social Selling Training Programme in great detail, offering modern methods of lead generation that leave cold calling firmly in the past. The programme is delivered by Maaz Rahman - our Director, a highly experienced social selling coach in best practice usage of social media in a professional context to generate new revenue streams.

  So, what’s what?


Sales Enablement

Generating new business leads for sales and marketing teams, the modern way.


Marketing Automation

Tools that save time, generate new leadsand increase conversions.



How you interact with customers, retain data and automate future interactions.


Social Selling

The most integral part of any digital strategy, to create a digital face for your brand,.

The Social Selling Training Programme overview

Social Selling strategies include creating your profile, sharing compelling content, optimising your calendar and generating warm leads. In this eBook, we cover the fundamentals of social selling, and how to leverage these networks for maximum advantage.


Social Selling with the Right Content

Social media is user-driven, and your content needs to reflect this, we provide personalised content advice, as well as tips on hashtags and setting up automated alerts. We discuss the importance of remaining authentic on social media, helping to build trust and loyalty, as well as advice on tone of voice and automation services.

Leadership and Review

Your senior leaders are going to be the ones implementing this brand-new strategy you’ve worked so hard on, so they have a huge role to play in outreach and lead generation. Their goal should be to become athought leader in the industry and an advocate for the business. We can help you achieve this.

Next Steps?

Get in touch today and let’s start #ConnectingTheDots for your digital strategy. Find out more about our Sales Enablement Training Programme by downloading our free eBook.